
Mon, 08 Oct, 2018

Why Do Shoes That Don’t Fit Right are Hazardous to Your Health?

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Two people wearing white shoes

People wear shoes to prevent their feet from getting dirty and protect them from injuries. Wearing well-fitting shoes is important, and wearing shoes that don't fit right can be hazardous to your health. As the entire body is interlinked and acts as one single frame, any discomfort or injury to the feet can ultimately affect other parts of the body. Therefore, one must avoid wearing ill-fitting shoes to prevent health issues in the body.

Choosing the right footwear is crucial for maintaining good health. Shoes with a good fit feel comfortable upon wearing. A good pair of shoes support the feet every time they touch the ground and provide a good amount of cushioning to absorb the impact of walking or running. Ill-fitting shoes fail to cushion the soles of the feet adequately, which can result in several health issues. So, let's see how ill-fitting shoes can be hazardous to your health.

Health Issues That Can Arise Due To Poor-Fitting Shoes

People wearing comfortable shoes

Here are some negative effects of wearing ill-fitted shoes:

  1. Decreased Performance

Wearing the right footwear is important for everybody. But it is even more important for people such as athletes and those who need to stand for long periods. Wearing shoes that don't fit well can cause poor performance and affect the quality of life due to shoes' discomfort.

  1. Poor Body Alignment

If shoes don't fit properly, they fail to support the body. Poor support can cause poor body alignment. The entire body is aligned properly when the position of the feet is proper. People who have issues with their feet, like flat feet and arched feet, are often more prone to having a poor body alignment if their shoes don't fit them well.

  1. Foot and Ankle Pain

Foot and ankle pain are often a result of poor quality and ill-fitting shoes. Foot pain is not only a result of too-tight shoes, but sometimes, it is also due to improper cushioning, because of which the shoe does not support the arch of the feet as it should. As a result, the pain increases and becomes unbearable after a point.

  1. Back Pain and Joint Pain

Foot pain and lower leg pain gradually extend to the back and cause back pain. The joints are equally stressed due to the pressure exerted on them, as shoes fail to absorb the force and impact of physical activities.

  1. Other Foot Conditions

Corns, calluses, hammertoes, bunions, etc. cause a lot of discomfort, which hampers day to day activities of a person. Therefore, to be able to carry out daily activities without any issues, one must take care of their feet by wearing the right footwear.

  1. Nail Issues

Issues with nails arise mostly when a person wears too tight or narrow shoes. The tightness of the shoe exerts a lot of pressure on toes and nails, due to which the toes become red and swollen. Wearing such shoes for extended periods leads to ingrown nails, which are quite painful to deal with.

  1. Nerve Damage

The most serious health hazard of wearing ill-fitting shoes is nerve damage. Nerve damage feels like someone poking pins and needles into the feet. It lowers the feet's ability to feel things. The condition can be painful, and the damage cannot be reversed. One must, therefore, not continue to wear shoes that don't fit well and change them immediately at the first sign of discomfort.


People often think that foot size does not change for adults. However, feet tend to widen with age. Foot size may also change in people who have swelling in their feet. It is, therefore, necessary to check foot size when buying new shoes. This will ensure that shoes fit well and are comfortable for the wearer. Shoes that fit improperly can have a negative impact on one's health, but one can avoid these problems by simply wearing shoes that fit well.

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  1. Can wearing the wrong shoe size have a negative impact on health?

Yes, wearing the wrong shoe size can impact a person’s health negatively.

  1. Which health issues can arise by wearing ill-fitting shoes?

Reduced performance, poor body alignment, foot and ankle pain, back pain, joint pain, nerve damage, and ingrown nails are some of the issues that may arise by wearing ill-fitting shoes.

  1. Can a person develop any serious condition by wearing shoes that don’t fit right?

Nerve damage or peripheral neuropathy is a serious condition that may affect people who wear incorrect shoe sizes.

  1. How to buy the right shoe size?

People must check their foot size before purchasing new shoes. The right shoe fits properly, is comfortable, and has sufficient cushioning to support the feet and body.

  1. What factors affect foot size in adults?

Age and swelling in the feet are factors that affect foot size in adults.

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