student blog

Tue, 08 Feb, 2022

Tree Stump Plantation

By Prisha Agrawal

Have you ever planted a plant? If yes, then how did you feel? Don't you feel relaxed? If one has planted a tree, shrub, herb, creeper or climber they have a connection with it that one feels that no one should ever touch it.  It is fine to cut down trees but planting trees is also important. For instance, I a man keeps cutting down trees and then never plants any more trees, do you think he or she will get more plants automatically without planting more? No! That is why it is said that "If we cut down one, we should plant 10."  The world is not an easy place. This world has Pros and Cons. We can cut down more than half of a tree and then make a hole on it and plant a shrub in it!


Something like this.

I like to call it 'The tree stump Plantation'.

So next time you cut a tree try this out!

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