Writers Guild

Sun, 21 Jan, 2018

The Unforgettable Story of My Best Birthday Yet!

My best birthday ever was when I was 18 years old. I had just moved to Delhi for college, and I hadn't been able to see my friends or family for months. Fortunately, my birthday coincided with Holi, and hence I got to come home. 

When I came home, I finally spent some time with my parents, my little brother and my very best friend. My best friend and I went to this restaurant that we had talked about going to for years. He had planned the whole thing, he had pre-booked a car, he had gifted me an outfit to wear for the occasion, and when we reached the place, the place was all decorated, and they had all my favourite foods ready and on the table as soon as I sat down. 

There were about 4 types of pizzas, there was hummus and pita, and there were some amazing delectable milkshakes. I ate to my heart's content, and I thought the outing was over here, but no, he drove me down to the sea, at Nariman point, and we got to watch the sunset there, which was beautiful.  After that, my friend dropped me home, or so I thought because as he and I entered my home, my parents had planned a surprise party! My best friend has taken me out all day so that my parents could plan this. 

The house was filled with balloons, my friends and family, cake, and again a lot of food which at this point I was in no position to be able to eat, but it's the thought that counts. Everyone had the greatest time dancing and talking, and the house was full of cheer. 

When I thought the night could not get any better, my parents played a video montage. Everyone I loved and cared about had made small videos about how much they loved me and why. My best friend had put them all together and made it into a long video, and he had a long part at the end where he told me how my presence in his life had made it better. I started crying. I was so happy I couldn't explain it in words. 

After not seeing any of my favourite people for months, having this amazing time with them was more than I could have ever dreamt of, and if that wasn't enough, every single gift that I received was a heartfelt one. Everyone had been explicitly told by my best friend that I did not like things. I only enjoyed genuine items, which still holds. 

That birthday was my best birthday of all time, not because of the gifts or the food or anything else, but because I got to spend time with everyone I loved. They spent a lot of time and effort making sure I felt special on my birthday, which is the most significant gift of all, don't you agree?

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