
Tue, 09 Oct, 2018

Mastering the Art of the Perfect Spiral Pass in American Football!

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First of all, the question arises, "What is a spiral pass?". In American football, when a player throws the ball towards another player, and it reaches the desired player perfectly without any hindrance, it will be considered a perfect spiral pass. In the game of football, passing the ball perfectly is the most crucial skill needed for winning the match. Hence, a player needs to learn the spiral pass technique and regularly practice it to achieve perfection.

In the NFL quarterbacks last year, more than 17000 spiral passes were attempted, out of which 64.9% became successful, i.e., approximately 11000 passes went on perfectly. So how exactly did they achieve this success rate? To understand this, first, you need to know how exactly you throw a spiral pass?

Now let us understand the mechanics of a perfect spiral pass and how you can throw a perfect spiral pass:

Size of the Ball:

perfect spiral pass

  • For throwing a perfect spiral pass, the first and foremost important thing is to choose the correct size of the ball. The size of the ball must be appropriate so that your hands can hold it comfortably. If the ball is bigger, you won't be able to throw it correctly even with the right technique.

  • The official size of the ball for all the pro players above the age of 14 is 9 inches.

  • For players in the age group of 12 to 14 years, 8 inches is advisable.

  • For players below 12 years, a ball of 6 or 7 inches can be used.

How to grip the football?

A perfect spiral pass between two players

According to experts, the most important and basic thing needed to throw a perfect spiral is the grip on the ball. So, how exactly do you need to hold the ball? Let's understand how to grip the football:

Position of Fingers: First and the foremost important thing is how you place your fingers on the ball. The proper technique for holding the ball is to place the ring finger and little finger of your hand between the laces and place your thumb just underneath it. The thumb should be on the white ring, just on the opposite side. You must have seen some quarterbacks placing the middle finger along with the lace also.

Position of Index Finger: You should place your index finger right on the tip of the ball. Your thumb and index finger must be perpendicular to each other. This will help you in throwing the spiral pass in the right direction.

Tight Grip: For throwing an effective spiral, the fingertips of your throwing hand should hold the ball tightly because the most challenging task is to spin the ball while throwing. You must be able to rotate the ball with your wrist before releasing it towards your fellow player. A perfect spiral will be achieved only when the ball moves on spinning toward the player.

Correct Standing Posture:

The next important thing for throwing a perfect spiral is positioning your feet correctly. If you are right-handed, your left foot should be forward and slightly bent to generate a proper force and have better aerodynamics.

Your bodyweight should be distributed properly between both the legs: more weight should be on the back leg and less on the forward portion. This will help you to put more power into your throw.

A Perfect Release:

Now, the most crucial part of a perfect spiral is the last moment when the ball leaves your hand. Just before you release the ball, you need to twist it with the help of your index finger and thumb, and it can be achieved easily if you have properly held the ball. If twisted properly, the ball will keep moving until it reaches its destination.

A good spiral must have a spin rate of approximately 600 rotations per minute.

If the ball starts spinning continuously after the hit, the ball will remain on its axis and always point in the same direction. This will help the ball pass through the air, feeling the lowest resistance. The more angular momentum the ball has, the harder it will be to change its orientation, and it will move in the same direction. So that's the technique and mechanics of a perfect spiral pass.

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  1. In which game spiral pass is made?

American Football.

  1. Is American Football different from FIFA?

Yes, both are different.

  1. Who are the Quarterbacks in American Football?

Members of the offense or the attacking team are called "Quarterbacks" in American Football.

  1. What is the full form of the NFL?

National Football League of USA.

  1. Name one of the top-ranked players in the NFL?

Jerry Rice is one of the top-ranked players in the NFL.

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