
Mon, 18 Jun, 2018

“It Takes a Village to Raise a Child.” How important is a community in raising children?

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There are advocates of single parenting, but the African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” is not without merit. Here, the village refers to a community that can provide a safe, healthy, and interactive environment for children to grow up and learn. The proverb itself means that several people should be involved and accountable for raising a child.

Resources And Support

A group of children

It is not just children that communities support; they also help parents. If parents know they have help when they need it, they can be more relaxed and positive in their outlook. This, in turn, creates a healthy environment for the child at home. Communities enable parents by providing the resources and skills they may lack as a family unit.

The Right Environment

A community comprises diverse families who can join hands and impart valuable learning to children. Kids in communities learn acceptance of different races, nationalities, and ways of life. Such kids are more accepting and build healthier relationships when they grow up.

A Sense Of Belonging

A group of kids sitting together

A school or a neighbourhood is a community, and so is a music class or a dance class. You could be a part of a community through a local parenting group, a library, or an extended family. Such spaces reinforce the child’s sense of belonging. Supported and safe environments help children explore, play and learn confidently. Communities are inclusive and inculcate a sense of belonging in the child.

Positive Relationships

Families and communities provide children with the context for building relationships. They see themselves in relation to different members of the community. These relationships are built over time and support the child’s physical and emotional development. Children take different lessons from each relationship that could help them in their future lives.

A Healthy Sense Of Identity

Being understood, encouraged, and accepted helps build a child’s self-esteem. They develop a healthy sense of identity. A positive self-image goes a long way toward creating productive and happy adults. A mentor in the community can prepare the child for the outside world.


By being involved in a community, children learn to give back to the world or society. They observe and learn the sharing and reciprocal nature of a community. This makes them understand that everything is not transactional. They also learn inter-dependence and leadership skills.

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  1. What is the meaning of ‘It takes a village to raise a child?’

“It takes a village to raise a child” is an African proverb. It means that a community can provide a safe and healthy environment for children to grow.

  1. What does community mean in early childhood?

When a child is part of a community from early childhood, they build healthy relationships and learn inter-dependence, mutual support, and partnerships.

  1. Why is community important for children?

Communities provide a safe environment for children, which creates a strong sense of belonging and healthy self-esteem.

  1. Why is community important for parents?

Parents can find support and resources in communities to look after their children and build strong connections.

  1. What do children learn from a community?

Communities teach children strong values like acceptance of a diverse set of people and help them build healthier relationships.

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