The art of Public Speaking

Wed, 13 Jun, 2018

Best Vocabulary Course for class 7 Children: Let’s Make Kids Smarter

This vocabulary course is designed to help 7th grade kids become smarter and more confident in their language skills. Learn over 500+ essential words and improve your writing, reading comprehension, and communication skills!

About Vocabulary Classes For Grade 7 Kids

A more developed and extended vocabulary will assist your kid on a personal and, in particular, professional level; the advantages are many and numerous for the 7th grade Vocabulary classes. Discover the beauty and promise of a language by immersing your kid in it. Improve their communication skills by becoming more engaged and amusing with them. On every issue, speak clearly and without ambiguity. Improve their writing skills or broaden their reading horizons by participating in this programme. No one can tell what the future holds.

Class 7 children are in the age of entering into the phase of teenage life. We can predict a lot of interesting changes in the next year. A lot of inquiries will be asked by your child about the world around them. As they get to socialize more they learn more new vocabulary (both right and wrong). Since there is a direct link between vocabulary and academic growth, it is important that they are on the right track to establishing themselves in the world. 

Given that your kid are interested in the subject, we are on the same path, striving to continually add new phrases to our pool of active and passive terms, as you have indicated.

In such a scenario, you must provide them with the best possible opportunity to learn new concepts in an easy-to-understand way, something that PlanetSpark takes into consideration. 

Book a free trial for the Best Vocabulary Course for Class 7 children to assist your child in learning vocabulary with the assistance of fun-interactive sessions and experts in the field of vocabulary. 

Benefits Of Planetspark English Vocabulary Course For Class 7 Kids

Vocabulary is not a one-dimensional talent. This approach is built on all aspects of communication, including listening and speaking as well as reading and writing. The ability to communicate effectively is so dependent on possessing a strong vocabulary. Put PlanetSpark into your vocabulary routine by using our English Vocabulary for grade 7 lessons that include collaboration, interactive assessments, real-time feedback, and other features.  

1. Writing: 

The power of words cannot be overstated! The relationship between writing and reading abilities is intricately linked. Both processes include the generation of ideas as well as the discovery of appropriate language.

 Unfortunately, students grow upset with descriptive writing work far too frequently because they lack the necessary abilities to communicate their thoughts to others effectively. We are going to alleviate this frustration in Vocabulary classes for grade 7 children by developing a strong vocabulary toolbox from which to draw, thus enabling them to become good writers. 

2. Speaking: 

We want kids to be able to think critically and creatively so that they can convey their thoughts and ideas in meaningful ways. The development of a successful communication style depends on developing a solid vocabulary base.

3. Reading: 

Reading is the same as comprehending! When it comes to reading comprehension, it is determined by how effectively pupils are able to absorb and comprehend the meaning of the texts they are reading. In addition, the ability to master these talents is influenced by one's ability to communicate effectively. This is when children transition from "learning to read" to "reading to learn."

4. Listening:

When it comes to listening, we must be able to comprehend what we are hearing through Vocabulary Training for class 7th children. Therefore, a student's ability to comprehend new and complicated concepts and ideas is enhanced by the acquisition of sufficient fundamental word knowledge.

Vocabulary Classes For Grade 7 Children Curriculum Details

Each Vocabulary lesson in PlanetSpark’s curriculum contains direct and indirect vocabulary lessons that give a range of approaches for your kid to acquire new words. We have professional and certified teachers who design curriculum with the idea of learning through innovations. 

  • Vocabulary Basics

  • Fundamentals of grammar

  • Synonyms and Antonyms

  • Homonymns and Homophones

  • Homographs

  • Similes and Metaphors

  • Idioms

  • Mnemonic devices

Tips For English Vocabulary Training For Class 7 Children 

1. Learning comes in little packages

Make sure you don't overload yourself with new terms. It is tempting to add new words to your vocabulary. However, keep reminding yourself that comprehending new words is not the same as rote memorisation. In fact, cramming a mountain of new words would most likely make you feel overwhelmed and cause you to lose your concentration.

In order to avoid confusion, we propose introducing new terms in tiny groups of 5-8 words. Practice these words until you are more comfortable with them and then advance to a higher degree of commitment. After that, you may start adding the next block of new words.

2. Repeat words at more frequent intervals

The constant practice of a skill is the most critical fundamental of any learning. Vocabulary development is similar to going to the gym. It must be done on a regular basis.

The most effective way to improve your vocabulary is to practice it every day for around half an hour. 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes after school will be enough.

Each foreign word should be repeated many times, with increasing pauses between each repetition. When a term is unfamiliar to you, you may need to repeat it more often – sometimes many times in a short period of time. When you have rehearsed it multiple times, it will only be necessary to refresh your memory after a few days of use. PlanetSpark’s Vocabulary course for class 7 children inculcates various quizzes weekly, which will help your child to learn new words faster and thoroughly. 

3. Pick a word of the day

Pick a word of the day, every day. Then search for simple sentences involving this word on the internet. Write down the top 10 sentences which are most appropriate and justify the meaning of the word. Writing these sentences down will help you learn your word of the day and you will find yourself using it in conversations. 


It is quite helpful to learn full phrases as a technique to practice words in their natural context. Simply be sure you pick the shortest and most straightforward statement possible. It becomes much simpler to remember the lines and actually use them in discussions as a result of this.

4. Practice new terms until you are comfortable with them

Do you want to learn as many new words as possible? Maybe there are a few words that you simply can't seem to get into your head at the moment. PlanetSpark's online vocabulary quiz is going to make the task much easier and enjoyable for you. 

We start at the beginner level and then move on to more difficult words. And we want you to follow the same approach. It is possible that you will just get a few words correctly in the first attempt. But it's all right. Our teachers are here to dedicate their time to your growth. They will change teaching techniques and will inculcate the technique that is most suitable for you.

5. Keep track of your development and be happy with your achievements

It takes a lot of effort to learn a foreign language. Take a look at your learning statistics on a regular basis, and feel pleased with what you have already accomplished in your vocabulary training for class 7 children. 

How To Improve Your Class 7 Children's Vocabulary In 7 Steps

6 ways to improve classroom management - The Edvocate

Since your kid is in 7th grade, it’s a good time for your kid to expand their vocabulary. The good news is that you can always take up just where you left off. So here are a few pointers to get your child started on learning new vocabulary terms right away:

1. Make reading a regular habit

When you come across terms in context, it is much easier to increase your vocabulary. Being exposed to vocabulary terms in context through a book or a newspaper story is significantly more beneficial than just seeing them on vocabulary lists. Not only do you get acquainted with new terms, but you also observe how they are used in context.

2. Use the dictionary and thesaurus to your advantage

When utilized appropriately, online dictionaries and thesauruses may be very useful tools. For example, they can help you recall synonyms that might be better terms in the context of what you're writing. A complete dictionary definition may also inform you about antonyms, root words, and related terms, which is another method of expanding your vocabulary.

3. Play word games with your friends

Classic games such as Scrabble and Boggle may be a great method to broaden your English vocabulary while having a good time. Crossword puzzles are also capable of this. In order to be as effective as possible, you should follow up rounds of these word games with a little note-taking. Keep a running record of the new terms you've learned while playing the game, and refer to them from time to time for inspiration and clarification.

4. Make use of flashcards

Using flashcards to learn words is a fast and effective technique to expand your vocabulary. In today's digital era, a plethora of smartphone applications make it quick and simple to arrange flashcards for study purposes. It is normal to try to learn one new word every day. You may always strive for greater proficiency, but learning hundreds of English terms may not be feasible every day.

5. The "word of the day" 

PlanetSpark vocabulary training will introduce your kid to a new word every day, in order to help you increase your vocabulary and learn new words. In addition, you may add these words to your running word lists for convenience.

6. Make use of mnemonic devices

Introduction to Mnemonic devices is a part of our Vocabulary course for class 7 children. Using a mnemonic device, which is a kind of word association, you may assist yourself in remembering the meanings and correct usage of words. For example, consider the term obsequious, which translates as "attempting to acquire favor from prominent individuals by flattery." Break that word down into its constituent parts: "obse" is the beginning of the phrase "obsessed," "qui" sounds like the French word for "yes" (oui), and "us" is similar to the word for "us." So that huge term "obsequious" may be thought of in the same way as "obsessed with saying yes to us," which is kind of what it implies!

PlanetSpark Testimonials 

My kid is working every day in accordance with your excellent approach, and I can assure you that it is one of the most significant investments I have made in my kid’s education. I'm quite pleased with my kid’s development, and I can attest to the fact that your method is just fantastic! Kudos to PlanetSpark! 



When I enrolled my kid with PlanetSpark, he was apprehensive. Numerous courses make lofty claims but give nothing in return for the money invested. On the other hand, your classes have been well investigated, and there is evidence to back each step you have created. The procedures follow tried-and-true methodologies for developing language-oriented memory. Thank You PlanetSpark! 

Mallika Kapoor 


FAQs On English Vocabulary Course For Class 7 Kids 

Q1: What is the significance of academic vocabulary?

Ans: Academic vocabulary terms assist students in understanding spoken directions and classroom instructions and comprehending material from a variety of subject areas and disciplines. The words in our vocabulary may be divided into three categories. 

Q2: How does having a good vocabulary help you in your everyday life?

Ans: Vocabulary knowledge may help children enhance their writing abilities while also increasing their understanding of other word meanings via well-known root words, prefixes, suffixes, and word families. Topic disciplines such as mathematics, physics, history, music, reading, and language arts, and others sometimes need the development of content-specific vocabulary. 

Q3: What is the significance of vocabulary in reading?

Ans: The ability to comprehend what you are reading is dependent on your vocabulary. Readers will be unable to comprehend what they are reading unless they are familiar with the meanings of the majority of the terms. In addition, the meaning of new words that are not already part of a kid's spoken vocabulary must be learned as the youngster progresses through increasingly complex reading materials. 

Q4: What age groups do you teach?

Ans: PlanetSpark enrolls children aged 4-14 years, from beginner to advance levels