The art of Public Speaking

Thu, 22 Nov, 2018

4 Benefits of planetSpark’s Storytelling Course For Preschool Children!

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Stories are an essential part of a child's upbringing. Before children are even born, their parents read stories to them, hoping that the child will be born with a positive mindset and attitude. Even when they are infants and toddlers, storybooks and picture books are used to teach them various things, develop their cognitive abilities, and bond with them. Stories give us an insight into fantastical worlds, develop our imagination power, and show us how different cultures coexist together in different parts of the world. Learn about 4 benefits of our storytelling course for preschool children in the following blog!

 A group of students sitting in a storytelling class

As such, a Storytelling class for preschool is vital. This class makes them good storytellers and enables them to become amazing listeners. Only when a child knows how to intently listen to and interpret a story well can he effectively learn how to tell a story in an engaging and attention-grabbing manner. The art of storytelling is not something everyone naturally excels at. While some people are natural-born storytellers, others can learn this skill through classes and guidance from experts. Learning the skill of storytelling teaches some valuable lessons to children, which often act as driving factors in the all-around development of their personalities. Some of the most beneficial aspects of this course are that it develops a healthy reading habit in children, helps them develop their skills in Spoken English, teaches them certain skills like voice modulation and body language. 

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Benefits of PlanetSpark Classes (CTA)

PlanetSpark offers a wide array of English classes, including public speaking and creative writing, in which children develop strong English skills. The storytelling course for preschool students is one of them. They focus on every aspect of learning English, beginning with the basics like phonics and building vocabulary, teaching grammar, teaching how to construct sentences, read properly, pronounce different words, and tell stories. 

While there are a lot of platforms that offer similar services, PlanetSpark's services stand out from the rest because of the way they are taught and curated. There are various benefits of enrolling your children in PlanetSpark's storytelling class for preschooler kids, including: -

  1. Curriculum designed by experts

The curriculum for all courses offered by PlanetSpark is designed by field experts. They believe in actively engaging the children through various methods and creating the text gamified to make it more appealing to the child. The curriculum has been carefully curated to build your child's cognitive skills. They have created the courses so that the child has fun while learning, by including a lot of activities and games spread throughout the course.

  1. One on One Learning

At PlanetSpark, the focus is not just on getting a lot of students enrolled. The primary focus is on ensuring that every child who enrolls gets undivided attention and quality education. The classes are one-on-one, which means that your child will be the only one learning at a particular time. This allows the child to feel safer and be more active and also allows the teacher to learn how every child needs to be taught and personalize the teaching methodology accordingly.

  1. Experienced Teachers

To impart knowledge, the teacher must be experienced in the field of study and how to best teach children. As such, when PlanetSpark hires new teachers, they go through rigorous training processes to ensure that the teachers can understand different students and modify their teaching styles to suit the needs of every child. 

  1. Practical Learning

PlanetSpark classes are conducted in a two-way learning methodology. The teacher and the child actively participate throughout the class through activities and practical situations where children can apply what they have been taught and learn through examples. When children can apply what they have learned, they remember it throughout their lives. 

 Book a FREE class NOW with our storytelling course and get all the benefits mentioned above to make your child learn the art of storytelling!

Curriculum Details (Duration and Price)

PlanetSpark's storytelling class for preschooler kids covers many topics that require a good amount of explanation and training to master. As such, the curriculum for this course is quite comprehensive to ensure that nothing gets missed. 

Storytelling classes help children between the ages of 2 and 4 in their brain development, building strong relationships, learning how to process and express their emotions, and let their imagination flow. But children need to learn how to tell stories well, and that includes a lot of little details which are taught through this course, including: -

  1. Reading

Reading is a very important part of this course. Through the storytelling course, preschool children between the ages of 2-4 are also taught how to read. Reading is the most effective way children can grow their vocabulary and get an early understanding of grammar before getting formal education in it. Developing an interest in reading early in life becomes very useful for later years when children have a lot of work to manage and a lot of academic and non-academic reading projects to complete. It helps in building language skills. 

  1. Pronunciations

Word pronunciations are something even many adults struggle with. However, those children who develop a habit of reading and storytelling are more fluent in understanding phonics and word pronunciations. This is vital to becoming fluent in any language they may learn. Since English is the focus of this course, the pronunciations and stories are all selected to improve their English Language skills. 

  1. Phonics

Phonics has become an essential part of this course. It makes it simpler for children to understand the different grammatical concepts that act as the guiding force in word pronunciations.

  1. Voice Modulation

Mastering the art of storytelling includes a lot of voice modulation. As such, voice modulation is also an important part of the curriculum. Voice modulation refers to emphasizing certain words, making your voice high or low in pitch as needed. This gives the sentences and story the desired effect of excitement, sadness, happiness, horror, or whatever tone is intended in a particular story or part of the story. Voice modulation requires a lot of practice, so PlanetSpark's Storytelling Course for preschool curriculum includes voice modulation. 

  1. Body Language

Body Language means the language of the body. It includes things like hand gestures, facial expressions, and other similar body movements, which often play a crucial role in a storytelling process. As such, body language has been made a part of this course. 

The prices for all PlanetSpark courses vary and depend not just on the course but also on how long the child is enrolled. They also often have very attractive discounts and offers which parents can take advantage of. To find out more about course duration and prices, visit their website or contact their customer representatives. You can even book a free trial from their platform to understand what to expect from the course, teacher and curriculum. 

Storytelling course for preschool activities & worksheets

To make any course more interesting and engaging for children, it is important to include many fun activities in class. Especially for preschoolers, it is very difficult to keep their attention for the entirety of a class if it is not made interesting. It also becomes difficult to teach them if all the focus is on engaging them in any activity. It becomes the teacher's responsibility to find the right balance and conduct their classes in a manner wherein children are having fun while also learning at the right place. As such, PlanetSpark has designed the curriculum for the Storytelling Course for preschool to include various activities. Some of the most popular activities which children enrolled in this course enjoy a lot include: 

  1. Puppets

Finger puppets, sock puppets, and hand puppets are extremely popular among young children. Telling and hearing stories in silly voices and funny characters gets their attention, builds their cognitive abilities, and makes them more participative in class. Puppets are extremely effective in grabbing children's attention and enabling them to think creatively. 

  1. Drama

The drama activity requires children to act out the stories as they read through them. This enables them to interpret the story and show what they have understood and how they have interpreted a particular piece of text. This also helps greatly in learning pronunciations, voice modulation, and body language. Children also gain a lot of confidence through all of these activities. 

 Looking for the best storytelling course for your child? You’ve come to the right place. Book a FREE class NOW with us and make your child a great storuteller!

Importance of Storytelling Course for preschool

The storytelling course for preschool is very important for children between the ages of 2-4 years for various reasons. Some of the most popular reasons making these classes vital for preschoolers include: -

  1. It helps build language skills

Children in preschool are at an age where they are learning how to talk. Thus, it becomes crucial to utilize this time to teach them language skills so that they can learn them easily and fare well in school and later in life. The storytelling course for preschool helps achieve just that. Children enrolled in this course learn how to read and tell stories, which covers many aspects important in language learning. 

  1. Boosts Confidence

When children develop good language skills at a young age, they naturally become confident. This reflects in their personality and makes them more open to trying new things later. A confidence boost is vital from a young age, and children who are aware of their capabilities are always more confident than those who are unsure of all the talents they possess. 

  1.  Builds Communication Skills

Communication skills are vital for all human relationships. However, not all of us possess great communication skills. But this course can greatly help children build strong communication skills as it focuses on a lot of aspects that are useful in ensuring good communication. Understanding what is being said is the primary factor among them. 

  1. Expressing Emotions

Good communication is largely dependent on the ability of a person to feel, understand and effectively express their feelings and ideas. As such, with the course on storytelling, children who develop the correct skills for expressing their emotions are great communicators and will also be able to build strong relationships. 

  1. Improves Imagination

A storytelling course is very helpful in improving children's imagination. Coming up with stories, finding ways to tell them interestingly, and interpreting what has been written improves children's imagination. This is because all of these things require a lot of mental exercise. 

PlanetSpark Public Speaking Course Testimonials

  • "I enrolled my Noah in PlanetSpark Public Speaking classes; their teaching staff is really good; they make every session fun, they always come up with new activities.

Noah had been enjoying the PlanetSpark events."




  • "The English classes were really helpful to my child, Moksh. He describes PlanetSpark classes as 'cool' and as his teacher very much.

Kudos! We're just so happy to see Moksh learn with such joy."




For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. How do you teach kindergarten storytelling?

Teaching storytelling to kindergarten students can be done in multiple ways. Some people start with reading with them, while other teachers may start with basics like teaching children about phonics and some age-appropriate reading.

  1. What do you teach in storytelling?

The best way to teach storytelling is through example. It is important to show children how to read a story and then ask them to do the same. Gradually they can be asked to read a piece and tell it as per their interpretation. 

  1. What is the importance of storytelling skills?

Storytelling skills amalgamate various life skills like reading, speaking, voice modulation, body language, and interpretation. These combined and expressed with confidence make a student a confident storyteller. 

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